Sunday, 17 February 2013

The Riverside Walk by the Woods!

I remembered what John Lubbock had quoted when I was walking in the woods by the riverside!

Earth and sky, woods and fields,
lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea,
are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than
we can ever learn from books.
~John Lubbock

So true, I am without doubt one of those "some" that John Lubbock has mentioned. As I write this down, I can feel that in my heart, how miraculously nature can work and also its way of healing so many things that are limitless to be mentioning here.

Sharing here the pictures that were taken during this particular walk!

The beauty of the woods
The songs of the birds
The sound of the river
The wait for the morning Sun
The cool Winter breeze
The gentle warmth it holds
And the peaceful walk
Nothing can compare!

I leave you all with these beautiful feelings that I experienced, and hope you all had a blessed weekend! Have a wonderful week ahead! Blessings and Peace!

© Livingsta


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