Saturday, 23 February 2013

Light at the end of the Tunnel...

Light at the end of the Tunnel!!!

This is what struck my mind as I saw this scene. It was a bit worrying to see the river flooded, although it wasn't causing much damage around, the colour of the water turning brown signaled something to me.

This is a pathway people use to get to the other side of the river, and it was flooded and slushy, but the view was worth it all. I looked through and could see a brighter side where people were feeding the geese and the swans. Thought it was a great view, and clicked a few pictures with my mobile and camera. 

P.S: The pictures I have shared here were taken with my mobile...
Pictures were converted to black and white to minimise distraction and focus on the brighter spot alone.

I did get a few shots staying far away, wasn't satisfied with the results, cos that was not the way I wanted it. I wanted that dark spooky effect with light at the end! I wanted to bring out that transition...

I moved a bit further towards the bridge. As I stooped down to get a shot, I saw this couple waiting at this end debating if they should cross over to the other side this way or take the longer route, when the man decided to take this route. I remembered Demi Lovato's quotes:

No matter what you're going through, 
there's a light at the end of the tunnel 
and it may seem hard to get to it 
but you can do it and just keep working towards it 
and you'll find the positive side of things.
~Demi Lovato

I thought nothing could be better here, with a subject in this frame and here it is :-)

Also remembering Ada Adams's quote, “There is a light at the end of every tunnel. Some tunnels just happen to be longer than others.

So my dear friends, 

There is always light at the end of the tunnel!
Never give up!

Have a great weekend friends...
Peace and love... 

Livingsta x :-)

Sunday, 17 February 2013

The Riverside Walk by the Woods!

I remembered what John Lubbock had quoted when I was walking in the woods by the riverside!

Earth and sky, woods and fields,
lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea,
are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than
we can ever learn from books.
~John Lubbock

So true, I am without doubt one of those "some" that John Lubbock has mentioned. As I write this down, I can feel that in my heart, how miraculously nature can work and also its way of healing so many things that are limitless to be mentioning here.

Sharing here the pictures that were taken during this particular walk!

The beauty of the woods
The songs of the birds
The sound of the river
The wait for the morning Sun
The cool Winter breeze
The gentle warmth it holds
And the peaceful walk
Nothing can compare!

I leave you all with these beautiful feelings that I experienced, and hope you all had a blessed weekend! Have a wonderful week ahead! Blessings and Peace!

© Livingsta